Digital Nomad

Digital Nomad Visas

A ceiling of 500 residence permits per year is set by the Government under this category.

Who can benefit:

Non-EU or non-EEA Nationals who:

  • Can perform work remotely through telecommunications technology;
  • Are employed in a company registered abroad, for which they can work location-independently, or are self-employed offering services remotely for clients located abroad;
  • Can prove that they have a stable and sufficient monthly net income of at least €3500 (after the deduction of contributions and taxes). The amount is increased by 20% for the spouse or cohabitant and by 15% for each child.

What are the benefits?

  • Right of residence for a year in Cyprus, with a possibility of renewal for further two years.
  • Right of residence for family members, for the same period as the Digital Nomad, without the right to be employed or perform economic activity in Cyprus.
  • If they reside in the Republic for one or more periods that in total exceed 183 days within the same tax year, then they are considered tax residents of Cyprus, provided they are not tax residents in any other country.